Hi, I'm Shray Khanna.

I'm a

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Solving real world problems, one problem at a time. I am a creative problem solver who enjoys building positive work environment using well developed verbal, written and inter-personal communication skills.

Product Management & Operations

I'm a professional with 3+ years of experience in management operations including leadership roles, analyst, customer service and financial operations. My most recent role with RBC as an Operations Analyst has given me both business and technical soundness on how to efficiently manage projects including time sensitive trade topics. I'm a multi-tasker and I thrive in a challenging environment.

  • Email: shray.khanna95@gmail.com
  • Educational Qualification: Masters in Data Science (SFU)
  • LinkedIn:linkedin.com/in/shray-khanna/
  • Phone: +1-(604)729-7267
  • Certification:CSPO®, CSM®, Product Management, JIRA, Big Data, SQL, ML
  • Website: www.skhanna.me

My recent ventures include working on trades, handling deployments, managing time sensitive data and incidents. Having good communication and time management is an integral part of me which helps me to succeed. Building a healthy work environment and motivating my team by effective work delegation as well as involvement helps the company to grow continuously. My educational background helps me to leverage my knowledge to analyze data and combine it with my entrepreneurial mind to achieve success and help business prosper.

Number's Game

Over the years, I have worked with several clients, big corporations, small businesses and end users. I have worked with Event Management Company,travel company , University, large Government organization and one of the biggest and greatest Banks in North America. Here are some numbers representing my work:


Happy Clients

*Across All Domains


Major Projects

*Only in Financial and Event management Sector


Issue Resolution

*Include both Financial and University Sector


Money Raised

* in Event management for events and shows


Working in different domains has helped me to gain a variety of skillset. Here is a list of skills that I have gained over the years. Please see the details in the Resume section.


  • Teamwork & Leadership
  • User Analytics and Research
  • Communication
  • Discovery & Strategy
  • UX Design & Planning

Analytical Tools

  • PySpark
  • JupyterHub
  • SQL Studio
  • Cloud Engine based analysis

Visualization Tools

  • Tableau
  • Power BI
  • Plotly
  • D3.JS
  • Matplotlib

Data & Languages

  • Machine Learning
  • NLP
  • Big Data
  • Pattern Finding
  • Statistics
  • Python
  • SQL
  • Big Query


  • CRM-Salesforce
  • JIRA/Confluence
  • Airflow (Job Scheduler)
  • PostgreSQL/MSSQL
  • Microsoft Office
  • Live Trading Application


I'm a true believer of One Team One Dream!!! This has helped me to grow and have success in every project.

I've worked in various domains including Customer Service, Business Operations, Technical Operations (head), UX design, Data Science. A perfect mix for product management. Let's walk through some of the different sectors that I have worked on. Click on the images below to check'em out!


Long Story Short!

The state of being CURIOUS: This one word defines my personality. I am always curious to find why, what, when, how, where! It has helped me over the years to tackle the problem in the most efficient way by always questioning things in and around the task in hand.

SMARTWORK: With a topping of Hardwork. Working hard was my jam until I came across something Bill Gates said: "I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it."


But what makes me different is that I never give up on any task/problem in hand. In the past few years I've kept on challenging myself to take on things which might be unconventional for some. One of the few things was handling issues with time-sensitive trading (as I had no prior experience/education) and resolving issues in it with clients/vendors.

These are some things that I do my best to offer out of "conventional skills" in the resume:


Being a 110% committed to the task/problem/project not only for my success but seeing the company's success first.


Creativity is the key to success! I always try to add my original ideas and adapt in order to make the best out every scenario. Thinking of possible ways to help different departments in any use-case in order for the company to make profit out of any project they invest in.

Knack of Learning

To me, knowledge is the greatest power. I think being an avid learner is what helps me sto grow and make my projects more profitable for the company.


This one skill is I think what makes you phenomena. I'm always in a state of improving my communication in order for me to grow so that I can make the projects more seamless for all.


Team (or company/project) first! I believe in collobaroating and building a healthy work environment to succeed in tasks as I think if a team/company is successful then I'll succeed.

Sneaker Collecting

Not sure if this one helps but I am an avid sneaker collector (especially retro Jordans). This keeps me motivated to work hard, smart, be committed, collaborate and improve communication so that I can keep increasing my collection!


Contact me and find out why I'm a perfect fit or just contact me to share & talk about experiences over virtual coffee!
I am based in Vancouver, BC but I'm willing to relocate anywhere in Canada.


Vancouver, BC, Canada-V3H1S5