Experience information

  • Responsibility: Operations Analyst
  • Company: Royal Bank of Canada
  • Domain: Financial & IT
  • Target Audience: Company stakeholders

Business Operations in Financial Sector

I've always found the world of trading and investment very exciting. I had no theoretical knowledge of trades, investment and accounting but the ever knack of learning in me wanted to try them. After graduating with my Masters in Data Science from SFU, I wanted to take on something challenging.

I wanted to learn how a big firm operates with things involved in various projects to handling different use-cases. I joined RBC right after graduating as an Operations Analyst in the Wealth Management sector. The Operations Analyst's daily work involves solving time sensitive trade issues, resolving issues for 30+ applications which involves trades and money flow and analyzing data for efficient problem-solving.

This role was especially very challenging as it required knowledge of stocks, investment alongwith being able to multitask at a very large scale. But I always think its the perfect oppostunity to understand how a big firm works and also dive into something you wouldn't normally do.

In a very short time I started taking charge of various projects, handled issues in time-sensitive data and efficitvely collaborated in order to be more efficient.

I've tried to streamline various projects, communicated acroos the company and with vendors for better application management and handled projects by making a workflow for different teams to properly work on.

With the aforementioned things, I also actively try to improve the previous things with my knowledge of different domains to make sure that we find the most efficient way to solve issues. This also requires constantly documenting and updating with training across the teams.